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"Attempts have often been made to identify "The Real Robin Hood". Numerous characters have been put forward as likely candidates and perhaps the nearest anyone has got to pinning him down was Professor Murray when she identified Robin Hood as a collection of composites from many regions and many times. At the heart of her theory is the assertion that Robin was a God figure that was at the centre of the cult of witchcraft."

"The word Jesus used to describe his assembly was "Church". The word derives from "Circa", a Ring or Circle. In the Celtic Christian period, going to Church was called "Going to the Stones" or Stone Circles.

Jesus was a Messiah or Dragon King. Those who followed him by blood descent, either through the Davidic Merovingian lines or through the Scythian descent of the Dragon Kings of Anu, both of which lines have a common origin and share many historical dynastic alliances, often took, as Jesus did, the role of the "Robin Hood"."

The Church got wind of Charlemagne’s ring and stole it, but he never abandoned it or the heritage it represented, so the Church recounts that this Evil Ring obsessed him until the end of his days. Canines and feeding troughs come to mind. This story belongs to the Ring Cycle which inspired Tolkien who unfortunately has inverted the Ring in much the same way as the Church did.

Tolkien’s characters nevertheless are taken from the Dragon and Grail Families who, like Robin Hood, actually existed in one form or another. The Ring of Power, the Dragon and the Grail are exactly one and the same female symbol of sovereignty, nurturance and subsequent transcendence, hence the never-ending circle of eternity and the joyous chaos of the unlabelled, the unnamed and the undefined that Tiamat really stands for."

@темы: Персонажи

08.05.2012 в 01:41

История не имеет сослагательного наклонения. Жизнь тоже.
MirrinMinttu, а я тут подумала. подумала... а вдруг правда?!!:gigi:
09.05.2012 в 10:18

Высшая степень доверия между влюбленными - это обмен компьютерами.
А перевести на русский?